$4,310 is the average salary of a top manager in the Russian-speaking gaming industry

We continue to publish chapter-by-chapter results of our salary survey conducted from April to May 2023. The current publication focuses on the income level of Russian-speaking gaming top managers.

Remember, we are conducting a new salary survey at this moment. It helps us collect up-to-date data on the salary situation among Russian-speaking and Russian specialists. You can participate here:

The average salary of a top manager in the Russian-speaking gaming industry is $4,310, while the median is $3,700.

We asked respondents to indicate only their salary level. Accordingly, any other income was not considered here. Therefore, the actual average monthly earnings of top managers may be higher.

Nearly a quarter of the top managers we surveyed reported that their salary ranges from $4,000 but is less than $5,000.

Among Russian-speaking gaming company top managers, there are several individuals whose monthly salary exceeds $10,000. Quite a few have a salary ranging from $7,000 to less than $8,000.

Most relocated Russian-speaking top managers of gaming companies are currently residing in Cyprus. The salary rates for top managers who have moved to the island are on average one and a half times higher than for those who stayed in Russia.

There are quite a few specializations within the top management niche. Most of the survey responses were from HR directors, company founders, and CEOs.

The sample of 40 questionnaires was too small given the significant variety of specializations. Therefore, as before with the distribution of specializations by region and salary, we did not provide all the figures, only those for which there was enough data.

Here’s what stood out: CEOs, on average, earn less than any other roles. It is also noteworthy that there is a significant difference between the average and median values, indicating a large variation in amounts. The smallest discrepancy is among HR directors, who, judging by the median, generally earn even more than company founders.


The study is the result of the third salary survey of Russian-speaking representatives of the gaming industry. The survey was conducted by WN Media Group from April to May 2023. It was carried out through voluntary questionnaires (users independently filled out a freely distributed questionnaire with questions).

During the survey, 1004 completed questionnaires were collected. Of these, 39 were from top managers.

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