For a comfortable life in Georgia, Russian-speaking gaming specialists need a salary of at least $3,100 per month

We continue to publish the results of the salary survey conducted by us from April to May 2023, chapter by chapter. This publication focuses on the salary levels of the average Russian-speaking gaming specialist living in Georgia.

But first, we want to remind you that we are currently conducting a new salary survey. With its help, we are collecting up-to-date data on the salary situation among Russian-speaking and Russian specialists. You can participate here:

In Georgia, the distribution of Russian-speaking gaming specialists across different fields of activity is very similar to the overall Russian-speaking industry (especially when talking about the shares of game designers, artists, and programmers). However, there are differences. The key one is the small number of top managers/directors and analysts (less than one percent).

The proportion of Lead-level specialists in Georgia is higher than the average in the Russian-speaking gaming industry (23.5% compared to 16.2%). Meanwhile, the proportion of managers is half as large. Another noticeable trend is the insignificant share of Junior specialists, which is less than 10% here.

The age distribution of Russian-speaking gaming specialists in Georgia is very close to the overall distribution across the entire Russian-speaking gaming industry.

The average monthly expenses of Russian-speaking gaming specialists living in Georgia are significantly higher than in Russia and Belarus. They amount to $1,685, with a median of $1,200.

According to our Russian-speaking respondents, they need around $3,733 per month for a comfortable life in Georgia. The median value is slightly lower, at $3,100.

Georgia significantly differs from Russia in terms of the salary levels of Russian-speaking gaming specialists. In Russia, the largest share was of gaming specialists earning between $1,000 and less than $1,500, whereas in Georgia, the largest share belongs to those specialists earning between $2,000 and less than $2,500.

More than 64% of Russian-speaking developers living in Georgia earn over $2,000. The proportion of those earning less than $1,000 is relatively small, at 11.2%. The average salary for a Russian-speaking gaming specialist in the country is $2,633 (with a median of $2,200).

When comparing the job satisfaction graphs of Russian-speaking gaming specialists in Georgia and Russia, the former shows a higher proportion of those not satisfied with their jobs (22.2% versus 15.7%), as well as those dissatisfied with their working conditions (19.8% versus 11.9%).


The study is the result of the third salary survey of Russian-speaking representatives in the gaming industry. The survey was conducted by WN Media Group from April to May 2023. It was carried out through voluntary questionnaires (users filled out a freely distributed survey with questions themselves).

The survey collected 1,004 completed questionnaires, of which 82 were from specialists located in Georgia.

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