Revenue from free iOS apps has grown 4 times in two years
App Annie company announced in its official blog that over the past 24 months, the profit coming from mobile applications distributed for free on iOS has quadrupled, and on Google Play – 3.5 times.
Revenue from paid apps also grew throughout this period, but without jumps. The company found out with its own App Annie Intelligence tool.
Just like six months ago, Japan and China are ahead of everyone in terms of revenue growth and downloads. Revenue from free apps in the Japanese Google Play has grown 24 times in two years.
Revenue from free apps in Chinese iOS has grown 25 times.
Free downloads from the American Google Play show steady growth.
Revenues from free apps on Japanese and American iOS, in turn, show far from the best results. The growth rate of the Japanese market has slowed down, and the American market is experiencing a drop at all.