The developers of Palworld are not against the sale of the studio, but they are quite satisfied with the independent status

This was stated by Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe in an interview with Bloomberg. He added that he had not negotiated the sale of the Microsoft studio — speculation about the corporation's possible interest in buying Pocketpair appeared shortly after the successful release of Palworld.


Mizobe also said that Palworld has already earned "tens of billions of yen", despite the fact that the development of the game cost less than 1 billion yen ($ 6.7 million). According to the top manager, this is too much profit for the studio, which employs 55 people, but he is not going to expand the staff. Despite the success of Palworld, Mizobe is not sure that the next Pocketpair games will become the same hits, and has no plans to start creating big-budget titles.

"We were and still are a small studio. I want to make small games. Big-budget AAA games are not for us," Mizobe said.

Apparently, the studio's next projects will also have multiplayer. During the conversation, the head of Pocketpair said that it seems strange to him to make single-player games at the present time. "The most fun games bring is when you play with friends," Mizobe said.

Now Pocketpair is thinking about releasing Palworld on other platforms. So far, the game is only available on PC and Xbox consoles.

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