Media: Unity's pricing policy is of little concern to the company's large customers. They are able to negotiate the necessary conditions

After the resignation of John Riccitiello and the softening of the terms of the Runtime Fee, the scandal surrounding Unity's pricing policy subsided. Nevertheless, the MobileGamer portal continued to investigate the situation. We share a brief summary of the material.

According to the portal's sources, shortly after Unity announced a still-unfettered pricing policy, a major mobile publisher met with the head of Unity. He told Riccitello, "Fuck you, we won't pay the [Runtime Fee]."

A week after the announcement, Unity decided to soften the conditions. At first, she planned to announce that the fee for developers would be 4%. But the company was criticized so much that it reduced the fee to 2.5%.

One of the sources confirmed to reporters that Unity, with the help of its pricing policy, wanted to "kill AppLovin" - a marketing platform that competes with the Unity-owned company ironSource. She promised the developers to release them from the Runtime Fee if they refused AppLovin's services.

An unnamed mobile publisher told MobileGamer that in 2022, ironSource offered him a significant sum for abandoning AppLovin. The publisher did not agree with the proposal, to which he received a reply that in the future he would still have to switch to ironSource.

However, according to MobileGamer, large Unity customers can always arrange negotiations and negotiate favorable terms. This includes convincing Unity not to charge them at all.

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