WebGL becomes the target platform in Unity

Unity 5.3 will be released on December 8. Special attention in the latest version of the engine is paid to WebGL, which from now on “becomes an officially supported target platform“.

WebGL становится целевой платформой в Unity

Art: Heroes Of Paragon
However, the developers warn that the release of WebGL support from the preview version does not mean support for all Unity functionality, as well as equal performance with native builds.

Of the key innovations in WebGL in Unity 5.3, among others:

  • the ability to use standard (the same as for desktop) shaders;
  • support for soft shadows;
  • automatic download of gzip files (you can no longer configure the web server);
  • LZ4 compression support (although all assets are stored in memory all the time, but they are decompressed only when loaded);
  • all files that are created during the build creation process are now linked directly to the file index.html “;
  • And much more.

If you think that WebGL is a distant future, we advise you to try Heroes Of Paragon from EVERYDAYiPLAY. The game is running on Facebook, according to our feelings, no worse than the native original (and clearly faster than flash projects, but only on powerful devices). The only thing that upsets is a very long download.

Source: Unity

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