
In March, the HSE will host a lecture "How to create your own game"

Vyacheslav Utochkin, who is responsible for educational programs in the gaming industry at the Higher School of Economics, said App2Top.ru about an open lecture “How to create your own game“, about a new set for the program “Management of Internet gaming projects”, as well as about new disciplines and courses.

В марте во ВШЭ пройдет лекция Как создать свою игру

It has been 2 years since we launched the educational program on the gaming industry “Management of Internet gaming projects” at the HSE (a structural division of the Higher School of Economics). In February, enrollment for the third stream of listeners opens. In honor of this joyful event, on March 2, 2016, we will hold an open and completely free lecture for everyone on the topic “How to create your own game”!

Konstantin Sakhnov, Director of the Game design department at RJ Games, will give a lecture. Konstantin is also the scientific director of our educational program.


The lecture will be about the basics of creating games. There will be “where to start” cases, a detailed analysis of the project launch stages, a description of what the team is doing at each stage (with specific examples). We will also, of course, talk about design documentation, the specifics of its compilation and presentation.

At the end, you will be able to ask questions to Konstantin and other teachers of the program “Management of Internet gaming projects”. There will even be homework!

Now there are already 30 students enrolled in this program (for comparison, there were 10 last year). Listeners come with completely different goals: there are those who are already running their own project and want to enrich their knowledge, someone has received as many as 2 higher educations and now longs to return to the childhood dream and still make their own game, and someone just wants to work in the gaming industry.

Many of our students get a job in large gaming companies, for example, a 15-year graduate is now working as a game designer in Mail.ru Group, and one girl from this year’s stream was employed by a game designer at RJ Games right in the process of training.

I have a graduate student defending my diploma, who joined the team of the current stream for the development of a mobile fantasy zombie shooter platformer within the project group of HSE students. The main character of the game, of course, is a dwarf. We can show one of the first concepts based on it.


Another of our students changed his profession from a 3d modeler to a project manager of one of the game studios. His first project is a global strategy for mobile devices. I will illustrate it with the concepts of the first buildings, which our student kindly shared with me.


This year we have structural changes on the program. We are introducing a new discipline: “Virtual Reality”. It will be conducted by Ilya Flaks, the general director of the Fibrum company. In the same year, another program will start: a week-long course “The Basis of game Development”, which will be taught by Konstantin, already mentioned by me, and a creative producer Mail.ru Group Dmitry Tabakov. During the week-long program, you will be able to get the quintessence of knowledge on the methodology and on the processes of game development – we will tell you only everything you need!

In conclusion, I want to say that although education in the field of game development cannot be considered a panacea that makes it easy to succeed in creating games, but we can say that it gives a person the right knowledge and skills that lay a vector for development. Well, then everything depends only on you and your aspirations.

Those who are interested – once again we invite you to “feel” and see everything with your own eyes at an open and free lecture on March 2. The time of the event is 18:45 – 21:35, it is better to come 15 minutes before the start. Address: Moscow, ul. Trifonovskaya, 57, p. 1.

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