
Casual Connect Kyiv 2011

On October 19-21, Kyiv will host the next Casual Connect conference, held by the Casual Games Association, which will bring together gaming industry professionals: developers, publishers and distributors of social, mobile and online games.

Leading companies in the industry will share not only their experience in game development and design, but also successful cases of game promotion.

One of the leading companies in the industry, Rovio Mobile, will be presented by the vice president for franchise development of the company, Ville Heyari. His report will be called “Name the most unusual place where you played Angry Birds”.

Denis Konovalov will speak from Nevosoft, the leading developer and publisher of games. The company’s games regularly get into the top of Apple App Store games, and in the report “About moving to the top: what and how to do with the iOS app” he will share his secrets.

Research companies will also be represented. Ian Wilson, Licensing Director, will speak from Flurry Europe with a report “Attracting mobile traffic. Secrets for developers”.

You can get acquainted with the full program of lectures and register on the official website of the conference

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