
Flash Gamm Conference! Kiyv 2011

On December 10-11, 2011, the 7th Flash Gamm! conference will be held in Kiev, focused on specialists and experts in the field of flash, social and mobile games. More than 700 participants are expected, including representatives of both large game companies and publishers, as well as small studios and indie developers.

The reports and blitz reports will discuss issues from marketing and management in the gaming industry to technical aspects of the industry, including development on Flash, iOS, Android, HTML5 and much more. Traditional round tables and master classes will also be held within the framework of the conference. The reports of foreign speakers will be accompanied by simultaneous translation.

Many participants are also familiar with the Flash GAMM! Game Contest and Game Lynch. The last one was a great success last year, so this time the leading experts (those who are not afraid of constructive criticism) will have the opportunity to publicly talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the games announced for the event. The games contest will be held again in a modified format. This time, the number of nominations directly depends on the desire of the conference participants, they also had the honor to determine not only the prizes, but also the criteria for their award. And, most importantly, everyone has the right to submit an unlimited number of games to the contest!

As part of the conference, Speed Game Dating will also start, the purpose of which is to introduce as many developers and publishers as possible to each other. Each game creator will get his chance in a private conversation face to face to tell about his idea or demonstrate the result of his painstaking work in turn to all interested publishers. Each couple has only 3 minutes to communicate, after which the listener moves on to the next narrator.

For the first time, Spil Games will be the co-organizer of the conference together with Absolitist.

To register for participation, as well as to find out more information about Flash GAMM Kyiv 2011, please visit the official website of the conference – www.flashgamm.com .

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