
The "Gaming Industry" conference will take place this Thursday, July 11. What will it be like?

Less than a week remains until the first session of the "Gaming Industry" conference. Here's what to expect from the event, as we tell you in our article.


The event will be held at the Congress Hotel Cosmos Saint-Petersburg Pribaltiyskaya Hotel. This is a popular event venue, well-regarded among gaming events.

Developers Exhibition

The conference will feature a large-scale developers exhibition, with approximately 90 indie teams from all over the country expected. The showcase will present both PC projects and mobile titles of various genres and monetization types.

Remember, participation in the exhibition is free. To get your own spot at the conference and one ticket, simply submit an application. Applications for participation are open until July 9th, inclusive.


The conference will run for just one day but in three full streams. Three round tables, two public interviews, and 26 talks by industry experts are planned.

It’s impossible to cover everything interesting in one publication, so here are some highlights.

  • Panel discussion “How much can a game earn on the Russian market?”
  • Top managers from VK Play, Astrum Entertainment, 1C Game Studios, and Innova will discuss the state of the Russian market: whether expenses for games in Russia have decreased, if there has been a shift in funds toward domestic gaming platforms, whether there is competition between Russian products, and more.
  • Talk “Pitches: the practice of the publishing group 'Eksmo-AST'”
  • In June, it became known that 'Eksmo-AST' is willing to sell the IP of their published books to game developers. Arina Kuznetsova, the head of scriptwriting at 'Eksmo-AST', will discuss the initiative at the conference and present potential projects for franchising from game teams.
  • Panel discussion “Launching projects and opening studios under sanctions”
  • Producers and owners of successful gaming businesses will share their experience at a round table, offering advice to startup teams wishing to develop games in Russia. Of course, there will be real case studies.
  • Talk “'Smuta' — lessons from history”
  • Aleksey Koptev, founder and CEO of the gaming studio Cyberia Nova, which released one of the most talked-about Russian games recently, “Smuta,” will talk about the game's development history.


After the conference concludes, a grand party dedicated to the event will be held at the restaurant "Krysha 18," offering views of the Pirogovskaya embankment and the source of the Bolshaya Neva.


Organizers expect around 500 participants at the venue. Tickets can be purchased via this link.

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