
On July 11, a conference titled "Gaming Industry" will take place in St. Petersburg

In a month, Russia's northern capital will host the debut of the business conference "Game Industry" (KII), supported by App2Top. Participants already announced include Cyberia Nova, HeroCraft, the "Association K-D Lab," Overmobile, and others.

The event will take place at the Cosmos Hotel (formerly "Pribaltiyskaya"). The name is symbolic. In the 2000s, the legendary KRI, the first Russian conference dedicated to game development, was held annually at the Cosmos Hotel in Moscow.

The "Game Industry" conference will run for one day across two streams. About 30 lectures are planned, focusing on various aspects of game development, publishing, and promotion in the current economic environment.

App2Top will provide detailed information on the program in future publications dedicated to KII. However, it can be noted that there will be talks on working with Steam, releasing remastered classics, and community engagement.

In addition to the lecture portion, the event will feature an expo component with booths from leading Russian IT market players. It's been announced that Yandex Games, VKontakte Games, and Odnoklassniki will participate.

KII will also host an indie project exhibition, where developers will have the opportunity to personally showcase their work to event attendees, receive feedback from experts and speakers, and network with each other.

There will be a large-scale party marking the conclusion of the event, providing a chance to network with "Game Industry" participants in an informal setting.

Preliminary reports suggest that around 500 participants are expected to attend KII. Attendees will be able to arrange meetings with any of the guests in advance using the meeting system, which will open to event visitors closer to the date, on July 2.

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