Mobile Developer&Business Day Russia - coming soon

A month later, on December 14, Mobile Developer&Business Day Russia, a conference dedicated to mobile technologies, will be held in Moscow. The speakers will be representatives of Zeptolab, Mediocre, Parallels, Samsung, Playmous, Marmalade and many others.

Mobile Developer&Business Day Russia is an annual conference on mobile application development. This year, in addition to a professional event for developers, the conference is complemented by a special section “Developers Alley”. Within its framework, developers will be able to present their studio.

The conference program has already been formed. Among the confirmed participating companies: Zeptolab, Mediocre, Parallels, Samsung, Playmous, Polonium Arts, UI Design Group, Redmadrobot, iD EAST, Stanfy, Studio Mobile, , Marmalade, GALS Soft and others. 

Reports, workshops and discussions will be held in parallel in three halls. The topics of the sections cover various aspects of the development and promotion of mobile applications – testing, usability of mobile interfaces, custom application development, mobile game engines, mobile platforms and Smart TV. The program will also focus on the use of mobile technologies to improve business efficiency.

The event will end with summing up the results of the “mobile 2012” and experts’ forecasts for the next year. 

Detailed information and registration are here.

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