Intel is developing its own UI
The first screenshots and videos of the original user interface from Intel have leaked to the network.
The new UI that Intel is going to put on smartphones with Tizen OS and, possibly, on some Android smartphones that will run on the company’s chips is called Obsidian. As far as can be understood from the first information about the platform, it is currently in an early stage of development. So early that Intel itself is in no hurry to announce it. It is also difficult to judge the exceptional features of the shell yet.
From the visual side, Obsidian is ascetic to the archaic. There is something of the games in it, made in the style of pixel art: gray panels with a thin border, black background, square icons. If, for example, a user receives a letter, then the Email icon lies like a diamond on one of its corners. At the moment, this is the main feature of Obsidian.