
Who is a Level Artist/Environment Artist — a column by Nekki

We are launching a new series where experts from gaming companies talk about their professions. It's aptly called "Profession." The first article in the series is about the work of a level artist/environment artist. Timur Ozdoev, the lead level artist on the SPINE project — Nekki's first game for PC and consoles — shares his insights. Previously, Timur worked at CD PROJEKT RED on Cyberpunk 2077.

SPINE — Nekki (in development)

Timur Ozdoev

A level artist (environment artist) is a specialist who creates environments in games. They are usually responsible for the visual aspect of the level, as well as the player's gaming and emotional experience.

Initially, there was no level artist profession: there were only level designers who handled both the visual aspects and the creation of game maps and gameplay. We owe the modern artistic and thoughtful design of game locations to this specialization. Today, level designers design level maps, while level artists fill them with objects and visualize them. But both share the same goal — to create an engaging game and give players an unforgettable experience.

It's a creative job. Currently, I'm working at Nekki on the cyberpunk game SPINE. We are creating a deep dystopian world where different styles and eras clash. For example, a city-organism with internal conflicts, all contrasting with the simple life and routine of the people. This job means constantly searching for new solutions, exploring the project, and wanting to bring something new and memorable to the players.

Cyberpunk 2077 — Timur Ozdoev

Scope of Responsibilities

In gaming projects, alongside level artists, there are also prop artists who create 3D models. A prop artist works more with 3D object modeling, while a level artist focuses on placing these objects and creating compositions of various scales directly in the game engine.

Overall, the work of a level artist relies on four "pillars."

  1. Understanding color and composition. This is essential to frame a beautiful shot and fit it into a pleasing and balanced color palette.
  2. Basic level design. This provides insight into how the geometry of a level can affect gameplay, navigation, and the player's attention.
  3. Technical understanding of how a game engine works. To ensure the level fits within performance budgets, looks beautiful, and meets modern graphic standards.
  4. Basics of architectural lighting. Often, the method of lighting is planned into the spatial form from the beginning, where light can be used as a building material. Additionally, light reveals the emotional potential of a space and serves as a navigation tool.

An environment artist must have excellent technical skills and artistic talents simultaneously — first to envision the scene, and then to find a way to implement it in the engine.

SPINE — Project Team’s Work

Work Stages

The work process of a level artist varies from studio to studio, but generally consists of three stages.

  1. The level artist receives a blockout of the level and devises visual solutions for it. Sometimes references are sought, while other times concept art is created.
  2. Creating the artistic composition, filling it with assets and textures, and setting up the lighting of the level.
  3. Testing the level. It’s important to understand how this level will be played from the player's perspective in terms of the environment.

It also happens that visual locations may be prepared by the level artist, but mechanics are not fully developed at another stage, or new changes are introduced. In such cases, the level might need to be redone.

How to Make a Level More Interesting?

Through atmosphere and emotions. Emotional response can be triggered through style, form, color, and lighting. Even weather can convey a mood and should be used as a tool. The main question is what will the player feel at this moment and what are the key elements that will make them feel this way.

The appeal of a location may be determined by:

— additing mystery;

This might be a teaser of an additional space where the player can't yet go, or the addition of secret spots that increase motivation to explore the location.

— conflict and drama in the environment;

This could be a clash and confrontation of times and styles, as long as it looks harmonious and fits the game's world concept.

For example:

1) Half Life: Alyx — the invasion of brutal alien technologies destroys a European city from within with their metallic and technological structures.

2) Wolfenstein Young Blood — exquisite white Parisian buildings are overwhelmed by massive ugly dark concrete blocks built by the occupiers.

3) Deus Ex Human Revolution — uniquely blends Renaissance styles with high-tech science fiction.

— dynamics in the environment;

Moving elements always evoke interest and attract attention.

— intentional imperfection, which gives life to the environment;

How do you think a fictional character becomes alive? Usually by making mistakes. Or imagine a painting where the artist leaves rough lines or careless brush strokes (but does so skillfully). Our world is imperfect, and when this is accurately reflected in art, it gains a bit of life.

— storytelling through the environment;

In a game environment, every detail can be imbued with meaning and reveal the history of a fictional universe — this is one of the reasons why playing games is so fascinating.

— contrast;

One of the foundations of art, used not only in color but also in style, massiveness, and forms. Contrasts, and balances of mass, light and shadow, and even material textures. This also includes the contrast between the expressiveness of form and the brightness of color.

— verticality;

This relates more to compositional decisions, but when a level has diversity in vertical lines, it definitely makes it more interesting.

— dominance and accents;

This also applies to both color and surface form, and the combination of styles.

— varying levels of environmental detail.

A general rule across different artistic disciplines is that a frame has large, medium, and small levels of detail. The distribution of detail follows a universal 70-30 or 80-20 principle, where there are more detailed places and cleaner places for "eye rest."

Cyberpunk 2077 — Timur Ozdoev

What is Necessary to Know to Be a Good Specialist?

To discuss the specific skills needed for progressing in this profession, one must know how to model in 3D (Blender), work with popular game engines like UE5, Unity, Source, create textures, set up materials, work with procedural materials in Substance 3D Designer or with photogrammetry. Skills in Houdini and an understanding of procedural geometry can be a big plus. Having sculpting skills is a bonus — here, Blender, Zbrush, or 3DCoat come into play. Familiarity with SpeedTree and Gaea is also advantageous — they are very useful for creating natural assets. Moreover, mastering AI is essential to optimize work and find new sources of inspiration.

A good level artist can work with both interiors — arranging furniture and setting up lighting — and open spaces, as there is usually no strict division on projects.

A video game is a small model of the real world, its reflection in virtual space. In games, we convey our own experiences, and the more we have, the better the final result will be. Experience can be gained by studying the surrounding world: listening to what the streets say, entire cities. Seeking what resonates with us in the city's history, its residents, and infrastructure. Developing an artistic taste was aided by street photography for me, so I highly recommend trying it to understand how light, camera, color, and composition work, and to expand your own visual library.

SPINE — Project Team’s Work

Where Do People Come from in This Field?

Those who are passionate about games and want to create them from an artistic perspective enter this profession.

When you first start your journey in this profession, you're given simple tasks that you complete under the supervision of more experienced artists. Then you'll be responsible for major sections and quests, and eventually, you'll have enough experience to help younger colleagues grow — circle of life.

What to Play to Develop an Eye for the Profession?

A level artist needs to play a lot of games — this helps one develop in the profession. Play, analyze environments, and pay attention to details. This greatly enhances visual literacy and helps determine which genres appeal more to you, as there are so many.

My favorites are immersive, emotional adventure games with deep narratives: Prey, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Observer, Psychonauts, Alien: Isolation

There are plenty of opportunities for growth in this profession, and knowledge and experience come with practice. I believe that the key is that it brings you fun and enjoyment personally; otherwise, growth will be difficult. But if you're interested in this and ready to invest in your growth, success will follow.

Understanding within the team, creative freedom, and fair compensation allow us to focus on creating incredible things.

Learn the "pillars" discussed above, play games, practice a lot in creating game levels, and growth will follow soon!

By the way, we are currently expanding our project team and looking for another Level Artist. You can find the job listing here.

SPINE — Nekki (in development)

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