
Study: Game developers in England are forced to work overtime

The majority of English game developers work more than they should according to the law,” says the Develop-online resource based on a study conducted among its readers.

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UK law stipulates that an employer cannot force his employees to work more than 48 hours a week. However, only 41% of respondents comply with this norm. Their working week lasts from 31 to 40 hours. For the other 41% of respondents, these indicators range from 41 to 50 hours. About 10% work from 51 to 60 hours, 3% – from 61 to 70 hours. A small percentage of respondents admitted that they work more than 70 hours a week.

This is much higher than the figures for the country: according to a study conducted by the National Statistical Service of Great Britain, on average, the British work 37.6 hours a week.

Moreover, 45% said they were expected to work overtime. About 80% receive nothing for processing.

There are, however, some positive aspects: 75% of respondents reported that they can adhere to a flexible schedule, work from home and choose what time to work.

Such a schedule cannot but have an impact. For example, Sam Watts, producer of Tammeka Games, said that he had repeatedly seen how intensive work on the project seriously worsened the personal life or health of his colleagues.

“I’ve seen people who didn’t have an understanding partner around, or those who had children – their relationships, marriages collapsed, they even got sick from stress and from working too much overtime,” Watts shared.




The authors of the study note that, although sometimes processing cannot be avoided, it is still necessary to strive to maintain a balanced schedule. Thus, work will be more productive, and health and personal life problems associated with overtime work will be avoided.

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