
App Annie talked about the highest-grossing mobile genres

At E3, App Annie presented its third joint report on portable and mobile games with IDC. This time it turned out to be dedicated to the future of this market. About this, as well as about the most earning genres – read our material.

The company began its report with a forecast that was not the most positive for portable devices. By 2014, their share will fall by 11%.  

As for the near future – the results of the current year, then there is one point that everyone needs to think about : advertising still accounts for a very small market share.
Despite the drop in market share, in terms of the user base, the ARPU of portable games is projected to increase.
And here is a particularly interesting “slide” – a comparison of the top 5 box office genres by platform. The difficulty is that genre boundaries on mobile platforms are very blurred. But a certain picture still looms:
– the importance of role-playing elements in modern games
– there is a big difference between the highest-grossing projects for iOS and Android (and we are not even talking about portable consoles) in the “global context”
The revenue situation is not changing yet: The App Store earns significantly more, but this may change very soon: Google Play revenues are growing rapidly.
Below is the dynamics of income growth by country in iOS.
And, accordingly, in Google Play.
The company ‘s conclusions were as follows:
  • mobile and portable gaming markets will continue to grow in the foreseeable future
  • The ARPU of portable consoles is high, but the paying audience is already much larger for mobile platforms and continues to grow
  • genre preferences of paying players in portable consoles and paying iOS users are similar
  • emerging markets are still key opportunities for market growth 

To access the full version of the report, you will need to register here.

Source: blog.appannie.com

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