
Nokia has conquered the global market of smartphones based on Windows Phone

According to analytical data from Localytics, Nokia dominates the global smartphone market on the Windows Phone platform.

At the beginning of the year, the company’s positions were somewhat different. According to The Next Web, in January Nokia closed the top three with an indicator of 22%. Samsung accounted for 44% of smartphones based on Windows Phone 7, followed by HTC with 23%.

According to current global market estimates, the Finnish company owns almost 60% of the WP smartphone market. HTC is far behind (21% – its share is almost unchanged) and Samsung, which has significantly lost its position (only 13%).

Separate assessments were made of the American smartphone market, where Nokia is not so confident. So far, it lags behind HTC, which owns 36% of the market, and takes second place – 32%. Samsung owns a market share equal to 26%. And how the opposing forces will be distributed after the release of Windows Phone 8–based devices, announced on September 5, is still a big question.

The study itself was conducted between January 1 and July 31, 2012.

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