Analytics: Steam Deck sales could already reach 3-4 million devices

Valve is in no hurry to officially disclose the sales of the Steam Deck, so analysts share data for it. Simon Carless tried to find out how many people bought this portable PC.

To begin with, Carless recalled that in October 2022, David Edmundson from the KDE developer community mentioned that since the release in February 2022, Steam Deck has sold over 1 million devices.

If the growth rate has continued, then sales should now be in the region of 2.5 million devices. But, according to Carless, this is a modest calculation.

In March 2022, Valve released the free Aperture Desk Job game for Steam Deck. Carless estimates that 2.9 million people now have the game.

Two nuances: 1) not every Steam Deck owner added the Aperture Desk Job to the library; 2) gamers who do not have a Steam Deck could download the game.

Nevertheless, based on these data, it can be assumed that about 3-4 million copies of the Steam Deck have already been sold.

Based on publicly available information from Steam profiles, Carless made a breakdown by region. Most of the owners of the Aperture Desk Job (therefore, perhaps, the Steam Deck) live in the USA — 26%. This is followed by China (6.7%), Russia (5.9%), the United Kingdom (5.5%) and Germany (4.7%).

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