Ultimate Facebook UA guide for testing and scaling mobile games

Games marketing consultants Nikita Okan and Margarita Nikolaeva, who have worked on dozens of projects including hits Hustle Castle, Zero City, Tacticool, Love Sick, etc, have put together a comprehensive guide on scaling games from soft launch to global launch.

This piece will emphasize Facebook as the primary traffic source.

Nikita Okan and Margarita Nikolaeva

This article is suitable for those who buy traffic for games with in-app monetization.

A glossary can be found at the end, as the text uses many terms from the field of user acquisition.

Table of contents:

  1. Preparing for user acquisition

1.1 Technical integration for tracking and results analyzing

1.2 Advertising campaigns naming

1.3 Ads Reporting – basic report

1.4 The initial preparation for creatives

1.5 Technical user acquisition

  1. Soft Launch

2.1 Creatives test

2.2 Retention test

2.3 Monetization test

  1. Go global

3.1 The main metrics for evaluating UA

3.2 Basic settings when creating campaigns

3.3 Tips for better user acquisition

3.4 Best campaign setups for games

  1. Glossary

1. Preparing for user acquisition

1.1 Technical integration for tracking and results analyzing

  1. Register the application here.

Create an application and add the required information. Make sure you have accepted the Advanced Mobile App Measurement Agreement.

  1. Decide on the data transfer path to Facebook. There are three of them:
  • Send events automatically via Facebook SDK.
  • Send events through a traffic tracking service, such as Appsflyer, Adjust, etc.
  • Send events manually from the client.

The best choice is to implement the third option, and you need to understand that it is crucial not only to send the event but also to check it, for example, to verify the payment. If you implement a scheme for verifying payments through a server and sending an event to Facebook from a client, then you control the entire process and do not depend on third-party services.

If you don’t want to implement this approach, then you can try the second option, but you will have to pay for it. If the second does not fit, then the first option remains, but in this case, payments from cheaters/testers can get into the statistics.

  1. Decide on services for data collection, analysis of purchases, and products.

It is very important to do this from the beginning because if you decide later, then all the old users for some new SDK (service) will be considered new. And then you will not be able to analyze the traffic and the product properly and, as a result, make decisions on changes/improvements.

There are many analytics and tracking schemes for applications, and different professionals have different preferences. We will describe our solution for marketing and basic products needs.

Main SDKs and tools: Facebook, Firebase, dev2dev, Appsflyer, MyTracker, LTV Engine

Facebook — collects data for Facebook Analytics, Facebook Ads.

Firebase — collects data for Google (many features are available in Google Ads only with Firebase integration) and helps conduct A/B tests for products.

Dev2dev — collects internal data with all game events, helps to quickly view product funnels, download something specific through MySQL, and has convenient pre-configured dashboards.

AppsFlyer — is a paid tracker of exclusive sources such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. It is worth integrating initially but connecting to sources after realizing that you can scale the project.

MyTracker — is a tracking and analytics system, absolutely free, very flexible, and convenient for evaluating UA performance. There are income forecasts in-app, adv, subscription. Other services of the same type cost a lot of money, but here everything is free.

LTV Engine — is a tool that allows you to quickly predict LTV, easily calculate target metrics for user acquisition, and create a business plan.

It is also necessary to initially integrate advertising mediation. Many companies on the market have their own preferences, but we recommend using IronSource. Its significant advantage is that IS sends user data: this allows you to quickly analyze performance and predict revenue. There is easy integration with MyTracker.

1.2 Advertising campaigns naming

Before launching campaigns, decide on the naming. This will help in the future when you need to quickly find certain campaigns and understand the way they work.

The standard Facebook approach:

Campaign – platform_geo_audience_optimization_date

Ad Set – platform_geo_audience_optimization_date_name of the creative (something else unique, if necessary)

Creative – the unique name of a creative

Example: iOS_US_lal1 5%_AEO_20.10

1.3 Ads Reporting — basic report

To evaluate advertising campaigns, you should prepare a report. Facebook has a convenient Ads Reporting tool. It collects a template to do daily assessments.

The basic report consists of two blocks – an ad funnel effectiveness and performance.

Basic breakdowns: campaigns, days.

Ad funnel metrics: Impressions, CTR (Link Click-Through Rate), CR (custom metric: Mobile App installs / Link clicks), IR (custom metric: Mobile App Installs / Impressions), App Installs, CPI, CPM, Frequency.

We evaluate the overall dynamics and effectiveness through the following indicators: creatives, store, overall funnel efficiency by IR, how expensive the audience we buy by CPM, whether ads are shown too often to the same audience.


Performance metrics: Purchases, Unique Purchases, Cost per Purchases, Cost per Unique Purchases, ROAS, Amount Spent.

We need to estimate the volume of events (purchases), whether we are satisfied with the cost, and what ROAS we reach according to an effective payback funnel.

We should always remember how many days have passed since the purchase of players because events are accumulating, and ROAS is changing.

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Additional (but not required) reports

If the project has a small UA budget (up to $15,000 per month) and it is important to reach payback on small volumes as soon as possible, you should pay attention to the following reports:

Who installs my game the most? Who pays the most? Are these the same people? Should I redistribute traffic to the paying segment? – To answer these questions, we are building a report for the period by gender and age.

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Which placement gets a lot of impressions but doesn’t give a lot of payments? – Report indicated by platforms and placements. Here it is sometimes useful to add a section by day or week to track traffic distribution dynamics by placements.

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If the project is planned for launch at spending volumes of $100,000 per month, then it is better to conduct UA for a wide audience from the very beginning so that the metrics are more relevant.

Examples of campaigns for the cases described above can be found at the end of the article.

1.4 The initial preparation for creatives

Creatives have a big impact on UA performance. This applies to both the advertising source and the store.

Initially, it is vital to analyze and evaluate stores and ads from your biggest competitors. Write out the best approaches in-store and through advertising (via the FB service) and do something similar.

For UA at the start, you will need to prepare 5 different creatives (gameplay/features 1-2, mislead 1-2, stories).

Formats: 1080 × 1080, 1920 × 1080, 1080 × 1920, 1080 × 1350

Timing: preferably up to 15 sec.

1.5 Technical user acquisition

When we have gone through all the technical integration, it is important to understand that the whole scheme works, and the data is not duplicated, especially for statistics on Facebook.

What we need to check day by day, going through all the services:

  1. The amount of logins (installations).
  2. Amount of payments.
  3. Volume of payments.

Important! Each service must be configured for the same time so that the data can be checked correctly day by day.

Important! A nuance affects the efficiency of UA, so it must be implemented initially. If your game is larger than 150 MB, then the build distribution via CDN must work. Otherwise, the store will request a Wi-Fi connection from the players and some traffic will be lost, which will affect the advertising funnel and overall efficiency.

Technical Test Budget: $400.

Buy 4 days for $100.

Countries: Philippines, Czech Republic, Poland. These countries are cheap, they have good levels of English, and you can even get some first payments in the Philippines.

Example of a test campaign:

1 campaign – 1 ad set – 1-5 ads

Campaign budget optimization

  • Audience: broad (countries only). You can choose the gender depending on your genre
  • Coverage: will be large with a broad audience
  • Daily Campaign Budget: $100
  • Territory: cheap countries, as an option – Philippines, Poland, Czech Republic
  • Automatic placements
  • OS version: can start tests from Android
  • Optimization: App Installs Lowest Cost

What to do if the data between Facebook and the tracker/analytics system does not converge. Reasons and possible solutions.

Discrepancies due to nuances in attribution:

1. Attribution to another traffic source. Facebook always sees only the last click, while your tracker sees the real picture, taking into account all available channels, which leads to the installation being attributed to another channel. This is the standard workflow for all last click trackers.

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*1 — Facebook attributes traffic only to Facebook

*2 — the tracker attributes traffic to Google Ads

2. Different attribution windows. Facebook and the tracker can have their own attribution windows. In case they do not match, there may be discrepancies. By default, Facebook has 28 days after click and 1 day after view.

3. Different time zones. Check that the time zones on Facebook and the tracker are the same.

4. Show/click time versus event time. Facebook attributes the install by impression/click date. Trackers attribute the installation by the date of installation (in this case, the first opening of the application is counted).

5. Attribution of in-game events. Facebook sees events for a maximum of 28 days from the moment the ad was shown/clicked, while trackers may have a larger “tail” of events (for example, 180 days or more from the moment the app was installed).

Discrepancies due to incorrect settings for Facebook and tracker integration.

1. If you do not see the data in the tracker, please check if the Facebook App ID is correct.

2. Relevant if events are not transmitted directly through the FB SDK. If you don’t see in-game events, check the event integration settings in the tracker. Sending events in the tracker is enabled. The correct event is transmitted from the tracker to the account (for example, purchases leads to purchases, but not in the tutorial). The setting of sending money (revenue, value) is enabled.

3. Duplication of statistics for in-game events. It happens when events are sent both through the FB SDK and the tracker.

4. Incorrect working of events. It is important that payments in all SDKs are sent simultaneously (for example, after a transaction has passed) after they are validated.

5. TOS is not signed

Discrepancies due to technical problems/bugs on the tracker or Facebook side. If such cases happen, they affect all advertisers and are fixed relatively quickly.

2. Soft Launch

The very concept of “soft launch” is rather arbitrary. Games are continually being updated and, in fact, every update is a testing complex similar to what is done during a soft launch.

The main purpose of a soft launch is to determine how close you are to finding a balance to scale the project.

Balance for scaling:


To make the formula shorter:


To come to an understanding of how close you are to balance, you need to run 3 tests:

  1. Creatives test
  2. Retention test
  3. Monetization test

2.1 Creatives test

UA is highly dependent on the creative, which is used both in the advertising source and in the store. Therefore, it is very important from the beginning to make the most effective advertising funnel and systematically update it to maintain efficiency.

You will constantly be doing the test of creatives both in the soft launch and in the global launch. The testing approach will depend on the number of creatives in production and your UA structure and budgets.

  1. If the budget volume is $1,000 – 50,000 and 1-2 creatives are produced per week, then the test can be carried out within standard campaigns by adding creatives to active campaigns.
  2. If the spend volume is more than $50,000 and more than 3 creatives are produced in a week, then it is better to set up a testing process to avoid the worst creatives with less 50% IR* efficiency from the benchmark.

*IR — Install Rate — conversion from the impression into install.

For large volumes, the entire process can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. UA MAI in cheap countries for basic IR assessment.
  2. UA AEO in tier-1 countries for IR, CPPU, CPP assessment.

As a result you need to find 2-3 creatives with the best IR.


Recommended IR Tier 1 by category for MAI campaigns:

  • Casual games with advertising monetization – 1.2-1.8%
  • Casual games with in-apps – 1-1.6%
  • Midcore- 0.5-1%
  • Hardcore – 0.3-0.5%

What do we estimate:

We estimate IR after reaching 10,000 views per creative and one day.

Important! Remember that FB collects data on your creatives: if you have several creatives in your ad set, then initially the priority is given to those for which there is data, therefore, to reset the “knowledge about the old creative”, add 1 pixel per video.

Example of a test campaign:

1 campaign – 1 Ad Set per creative – 1 creative

Optimizing the budget at the ad set level

  • Audience: broad (countries only). You can choose the gender depending on your genre
  • Reach: will be large with a wide audience
  • Daily Ad Set budget: if you run a campaign in cheap countries, you can set $10-50
  • Territory: depends on the creative (for example, it may be for a specific territory) or the target country (for example, if the target is US, then it is worth testing on CA or in cheaper European countries)
  • Automatic placements
  • OS version: can start tests with Android
  • Optimization: App Installs (Lowest Cost)

2.2 Retention test

The first question to which it is important to get an answer: are players generally interested in playing your game? To do this, you need to bring players in and evaluate their retention.


You can check your recommended retention by genres here in the Game Analytics reports. It is already quite old, but the figures for retention in genres do not change much.

What do we estimate:

Calendar retention of the 1st day, 7th day, 14th day, 28th day.

Important! We evaluate exactly the calendar retention, this is the standard for comparison.

User acquisition:

You need to buy a wide audience of ordinary players. Campaigns should work for at least 4 days.

You need to buy about 300 – 1000 players per day.


If your main localization in English, you can buy cheap traffic from Eastern Europe and the Philippines. The retention rate is likely to be slightly lower than in Tier 1 in English-speaking countries. Or if you are confident in the advertising funnel and the budget allows, then the countries are Nordic, Canada.

Budget for 1 test: $ 400 – 700

Example of a test campaign:

1 campaign – 1 ad set per country (countries must be of the same tier range) – 3 – 5 ads

Campaign-level budget optimization

  • Audience: broad (countries only). You can choose the gender depending on your genre
  • Reach: will be large with a wide audience
  • Daily campaign budget: if you run campaigns in low-cost countries, you can set a budget of $ 30-200, it all depends on your ad funnel and genre
  • Territory: Canada + Nordic or cheap countries – Philippines, Poland, Czech Republic
  • Automatic placements
  • OS version: can start tests from Android
  • Optimization: App Installs (Lowest Cost)

Additionally. Try to estimate the rolling retention of day 1 with a cut-off for day 7. If it is about 30%, then there is a high probability that a core of players will form, which will give good dynamics of payments in the long term.

2.3 Monetization test

In fact, any project is just a funnel into which a player comes, and at the exit, we get a paying players with some kind of check. And we need to evaluate the funnel, but this is not as easy as it seems.

It is important to always understand that the funnel is not stable and changes both from changes in the project itself and depending on the quality of the players. Therefore, it is in terms of monetization that any average metrics taken for some geo and with some traffic mix cannot be compared with another project. For comparison, it is necessary that the source of traffic is the same, preferably organic.


It will not work to single out the benchmarks themselves, even when using tools that assess the profitability of projects.

There is only one right way: start UA, calculate LTV and find a balance between CPPU and LTV that matches your business plan and targets.

Relative benchmarks for assessing monetization:

CPPU is very IR dependent. IR = CR × CTR, high IR will allow you to get a payer for less money on a large volume of traffic.

LTV can be viewed from the other side – indirectly from ARPDAU.

Our experience has allowed us to identify clear project boundaries where you can see a possible hit. IR balance in UA for value optimization in tier-1 and ARPDAU organic tier-1 countries.

  • IR FB VO Tier 1 = 0,2 % with ARPDAU inapp (Tier 1 Org Net) = $0,3
  • IR FB VO Tier 1 = 0,4 % with ARPDAU inapp (Tier 1 Org Net) = $0,2

What do we estimate:

We should ask the question – can we recoup traffic on any horizon on the existing monetization with the existing advertising funnel? To do this, you need to buy paying players and estimate their LTV, comparing it with the advertising funnel and the final CPPU.

We would not advise trying to count monetize metrics from commercial traffic in different periods to make conclusions, because quality can change very seriously, and this depends not only on the project, but also on the market conditions, creatives, loyalty of moderation, campaign learning, and entry into the auction.

If you want to understand there are positive changes in monetization, then better to conduct an A / B test through Firebase or the Google console, here you can already evaluate standard payment metrics, since the quality of traffic is the same in both groups.

You can estimate LTV through LTV Engine

User acquisition:

It is necessary to buy about 200 payers so that they make about 500 payments in 3-4 weeks. This is necessary to build satisfactory LTV quality. And here both the volume and the lifetime of the paying players are important.

Countries: Tier 1

Budget for 1 test: $ 5,000 – 20,000

Important! The monetization test can be expensive, so make sure you have the best performing IR=CTR x CR funnel before starting the test. You should have 2-3 converting videos and an ideal store.

Example of a test campaign:

1 campaign with certain optimization – 1 ad set for the fastest leaving from the learning phase – 3-5 best creatives with optimization of formats for placements – or use the “Dynamic creative” option

  • Audience: interests of competitors / value audience
  • Reach: from 4 million to optimize for events
  • Daily budget for the campaign: you need to receive about 10 events within the optimization window per day in order to reach 50 events as quickly as possible within the first 7 days of the Ad Set’s life.
  • Territory: countries tier-1 US, UK, CA, Nordic, DE, NZ, AU, FR
  • Placements: Feed FB, Inst + Stories FB, Inst + AN
  • Optimization: App Event Optimization – Purchase (Lowest Cost, 1 day)

*Placement Asset Customization allows you to choose your own video format for each placement (for example, 1-1 to Instagram feed and 9-16 to Stories). Turns on at the ad level. You can read more about this here.

*Dynamic Ads allows you to select up to 10 creatives (video or static), 5 texts, 5 headlines and 5 call to actions in one ad, then Facebook will choose the most successful combination. Turns on at the Ad Set level.

3. Go Global

We can say that we are moving to this global launch when we are sure of the following:

1. All analytics and tracking tools are working correctly.

2. Our game is played, there are no critical bugs.

3. Pop-ups with the necessary legal documents work (GDPR, CCPA, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy).

4. You can download an application from the store without Wi-Fi, distribution of the build via CDN works in all territories.

5. The game is open in stores worldwide, there is a main localization: en, de, fr, ru, es, it, pt.

6. If there is matchmaking, then we are sure that in all key territories everything is in order with the servers, the ping is at the right level for smooth gameplay.

7. The ad funnel has been tested and its effectiveness is maximized. We have a perfect converting store, and 5 very good performing creatives.

8. The LTV model has been calculated and we have chosen a satisfying payback point for growth within our business plan.

Before scaling, we must clearly decide what good traffic is.

3.1 The main metrics for evaluating UA

1. Effective cost per paying user for tier-1 countries on day 1, day 3, day 7 (tier-1 will give most of the revenue, so you can work with the average cost for the paying player; but for other tiers, the effective cost of the paying player will be less, because solvency is less).

2. Effective payment cost for tier-1 countries on day 1, day 3, day 7.

3. Effective ROI funnel on day 1, day 2, day 3, day 7.

4. Multipliers of income (n) day to the desired recoup day.

It is important to count each metric. Metrics 3rd and 4th are initially important, they are identical. There are cases when payments have not yet accumulated, but you have a low cost of paying users: then you can safely buy as much traffic as possible because payments will come later. Or a top payer comes and pays a lot of money, you immediately have good metrics 3rd and 4th, but in fact the cost of paying users and payments is high and it is dangerous to scale.

3.2 Basic settings when creating campaigns

1. Audiences – different LALs, interests, gender (with priority by genre), age (if there is an urgent need).

2. Geo – US, Tier 1 (FR, DE, UK, CA, Nordic, AU, NZ), Tier 2 (RU, BR, TR, SG, CH, AT, Eastern Europe), Tier 3 (everything else, Asian countries).

3. Optimizations for MAI, AEO, VO and conversion window 1 day / 7 days.

4. Campaign types – App Ads, Automated App Ads.

5. If you do not have tablet support or the game does not work on some OS versions, you can change it.

6. In rare cases limit placements.

7. In rare cases limit the target cost per action.

8. Creatives, formats, texts.

When creating Facebook campaigns, it is important to remember that there is no perfect campaign that guarantees the best performance. There are rules by which campaigns must be created so that they can learn and work for a long time. Some campaign strategies have a slightly higher chance of performing well, but that doesn’t mean others will be less effective.

3.3 Tips for better user acquisition

1. Required audience reach for normal long-term operation of campaigns AEO 4 million, VO 6 million. In some cases, you can try to work with AEO 1,5 million, VO 3 million but don’t expect long-term good performance.

2. The Ad Set should have from 1 to 5 top creatives, otherwise the budget will be spent on bad creatives or, for some reason, it will not go into the best creative for some time.

3. You need to gain 50 conversions within the conversion window in 7 days, based on this, plan your budget and it’ll help to right optimization.

4. Value optimization works best with value-based LALs.

5. Don’t limit LaL’s audience by interests.

6. Exclude those who installed the application so as not to waste the budget on them: this option is in Connections – Advanced combinations. Don’t forget that FB considers new users who haven’t logged into the game for more than 90 days. If you want to exclude older users from the campaign, you should do this through Custom Audience by uploading a csv file to FB with the ID of users who installed the game.

7. If during the entire lifetime of an Ad Set its frequency is from 2.5 to 3, its performance may fall, since Facebook targets the same users every day and it’s time to find new approaches.

8. Make major changes to your working campaigns only within budgets, bids, and creatives. If you want to make other changes, then re-create the campaign.

9. Don’t make harsh decisions when working with AEO / VO optimization, get at least 200 installs, estimate the dynamics of changes in the campaign by day. If you are not sure about the project, then calculate the budgets for the test campaign in such a way as to train it in a short time – in a week, during this time you can evaluate the dynamics and collect the amount of data to decide what to do next.

10. Campaign performance can decline for many reasons. If after training the effectiveness drops and does not recover within 3 days, look for the reason and re-create the campaign if you want to make changes.

11. Remember that paying players do not like advertising and the advertising funnel is 2-3 times worse in IR for AEO / VO than if buying ordinary players by MAI, this is reflected in CTR and CR, so do not panic.

12. For games, it is important to get to Value Optimization in order to buy out the highest quality audience, for this you need to collect 100-300 payments in an advertising account within a week, and it is very important that the payments have different values, then FB will be able to distinguish different groups of paying players and to turn on VO.

13. Creatives can receive the Low Quality mark. You don’t have to pay attention to this if the campaign works well, but it is better to avoid using Low Quality Ads in new campaigns. Because of this tag, you are not getting the best traffic within your budget. Low Quality Ads can be rejected after some time. The main reasons for getting a mark: 1. Buttons that are pressed by themselves (use the cursor or hand to press), 2. Exaggerated headlines or command a reaction from people. (avoid direct commands and phrases like “OMG!”) If you want to be guaranteed to avoid such a mark, try to negotiate with some large agencies or publishers to open an account under partnership terms. It has been noticed that large Facebook customers may never have such marks on their Ads, regardless of the creative quality.

14. The best time for UA is January. Ecommerce is cutting their budgets since the New Year have passed, people have more time to play, all this leads us to more revenue per player and lower CPM in the market.

Rejected Ads:

Your Ads may get rejected quite often. Facebook has constantly been updating advertising policy. This allows moderators to ban any creatives easily. Ads in new accounts that have not yet received a credit of trust are banned especially hard.

Sometimes the moderators strongly doubt their decisions and it turns out the following:


These are the objects that may violate Facebook Ads Policy: the creative itself, the text of the creative, the name of the community from which the advertisement is coming, and the store itself (name and screenshots). In rare cases, they may not even like the game itself. In the beginning, better to start with standard approaches, without risky phrases, in order to gain a positive history.

A method that will maximize the chance of approval after rejects.

  1. As soon as they got rejected, go to the support chat, describe the situation that you have perfect creatives and you don’t understand why they got rejected. If everything is fine with the creative, the support manager will send an application for review to the managers responsible for checking the ad. As a result, there may be two outcomes, your ads will be restored or the manager will say that ads do not pass according to the policy.
  2. As soon as you get an email with rejection after review, go to the Ads Manager, find the Ads, and submit it for review via the appeal button. Here you have a second chance to get on another manager who can approve your Ads.

If your ads are rejected again, then the functionality of re-submitting for review through your account will be closed for these ads. In this case, message to support if you are sure that everything is in order with your ads. They can submit again for the review.

Ad Set learning phase:

Before you increase your Ad Set budget, you need to make sure it is out of the learning phase.

After creating an Ad Set, it enters the learning stage until it receives a sufficient amount of data (about 50 optimization events, it may be more or less depending on the situation at the auction) to produce a stable result (complete learning).

Every major change to the Ad Set will reset the learning phase. Major changes:

  • Change targeting
  • Change ads
  • Adding new ads
  • Stop Ad Set for 7 days or more
  • Big change in budget, bid cap

How to change campaigns and avoid resetting the training phase (relevant for general campaigns, not AAA). Golden rule: no more than 20% (you can make changes once an hour, no more than once an hour, but better less often).

  • A budget change by more than 20% (a change from $ 100 to $ 120 will not affect training, but from $ 100 to $ 1,000 will zero it, unless we have set Target cost, in which case it will not be considered as a real change and will not affect the training).
  • Change bid cap or target cost. Here is the same recommendation: once an hour, a change of no more than 20% is possible.

If, after learning, we are satisfied with the performance of the Ad Set, we can start increasing the budget. If we are not satisfied with the result, then the Ad Set should be turned off, copied, changed, and restarted.

Learning Limited status. Sometimes the Ad Set may be marked as learning limited, which means the system thinks that you are not getting enough conversions for optimization. Do not be afraid of this status, it disappears as soon as the Ad Set collects enough data.

3.4 Best campaign setups for games


Best open in a new tab

Additional comments:

  • Most of the campaigns are presented with VO optimization. Nevertheless, all these setups are relevant for AEO optimization (App Event Optimization – Purchase). AEO will give you a cheaper CPI than VO, and sometimes a cheaper payment cost (but ARPPU will usually also be lower).
  • Conversion window: day 1 and day 7? If day 7 shows good results for your project, then you should not switch to day 1. In AAA, the default conversion window is day 7, there is no choice.

4. Glossary

CPPU — cost per paying user

CPM — cost per 1000 impressions

CTR — conversion from impression to click

CR — conversion from click to install

%pu — percentage of paying users

ARPPU — average revenue per paying user

inapp — payments from in-app purchases

adv — ad revenue

sub — subscriptions revenue

n — any day from the day of installation

IR — Install Rate — conversion from impression to install

MAI — Mobile App Install Optimization

AEO — App Event Optimization

VO — Value Optimization

WW — Worldwide

AAA — Automated App Ads

LAL — look-a-like audience, similar users to yours for some reason

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