
App Annie has studied the impact of the feature on downloads

What percentage increase can Apple’s feature on the iPhone give, analysts at App Annie told in their latest research.

App Annie изучила влияние фичера на загрузки

First, a few words about the methodology.

App Annie specialists, as part of The Value of an App Store Feature, investigated the impact of promotion exclusively on free iPhone apps. The monitoring period covered is almost three years: from June 2013 to March 2016. Only those cases of promotion were considered when the application or game got to the main page of the App Store on the iPhone. Promotion in categories and subcategories was not taken into account.

What did the analysts find out?

The impact of the feature on game downloads is several times stronger than on app downloads of other categories. App Annie explains this by the fact that games, being entertainment, cover a much wider audience than applications designed for certain tasks.

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The impact of features on downloads has been falling over the past few years. This is true for both games and apps. Moreover, the latter, within the framework of the App Annie trend, generally advises not to think about promotion from the store as a solution to the problem with UA. It won’t help.

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Downloads reach peak levels on the third day after the start of the feature. The median increase in downloads on the first day of promotion by the platform is 50% of the base. The peak gives in median values up to 220% increase in downloads.

The increase in downloads is also observed after the end of the campaign. In a quarter of cases, and on the third day after the completion of the feature, the applications showed an increase of 50% or more percent relative to the number of downloads received before the platform was promoted.

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App Annie investigated the impact of the feature in only five regions: South Korea, Japan, the UK, Brazil and the USA. The platform’s promotion has the greatest impact on game downloads in South Korea – about 500%. App Annie is attributed to the fact that iOS began to gain widespread popularity in this country only after the launch of the iPhone 6. New users, in turn, tend to download applications more often.

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By the way, App Annie also calculated who gets the feature most often. It turned out that each region has its own top five companies that receive the largest number of promotions on the main page (and the largest number of banners). If we talk about gaming companies, then, as a rule, Electronic Arts is present in the Top 5. Often you can still meet Gameloft and Time Warner.

Source: App Annie

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