
Study: 60% of studios are self-sufficient

Only a third of mobile developers are funded by government grants. More than half (60%) earn their own living. Experts of the Pollen VC venture fund came to such conclusions based on the results of the survey.


The study involved 200 developers from different countries.

Pollen VC experts asked:

  •  how exactly is the respondent’s studio currently funded;
  • from where the respondents plan to raise funds in 2016;
  • how the money received will be distributed.

To the first question, 60% of respondents answered that they are completely self-financing, that is, they do not receive any grants from the government or venture investments.

Снимок экрана 2016-03-14 в 19.30.48

It is noteworthy that among the Finnish developers there was not one on full self-sufficiency: 100% of respondents from Finland applied for a grant from the government agency Tekes.

When asked about the plans, 58% of developers said they were going to raise funds from venture funds. 56% of respondents will turn to the help of business angels, friends or family; 44% rely on grants, 42% – on salaries. They will borrow 13% of respondents.


To the third question, 69% of respondents answered that they would spend money on launching a game or application. They plan to launch a marketing campaign or otherwise buy 55% of users. 44% of respondents plan to develop existing projects.


Let’s add that the study does not indicate where the respondents come from. We assume that Russian and Asian developers participated in the survey at a minimum or did not participate at all.

Source: Pollen VC

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