
Mail.Ru Group launched free mobile analytics

Russian Internet giant Mail.Ru Group today, on November 12, announced the launch of the free myTracker mobile analytics system.

MailRu Group запустила бесплатную мобильную аналитику

According to the company’s official press release, the new service will allow tracking the results of advertising campaigns and retargeting, will give “detailed product usage statistics” (including by device), and will also provide “standard reports with data on installations, sessions, events and elements of in-depth analytics (DAU, LTV, ARPU, and so on further)”.

Plus, the new service allows for cohort analysis (“in the system, you can segment the audience by similar characteristics and create appropriate groups“).

The myTracker service supports three platforms – Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

There are no restrictions on the number of campaigns, events and reports in it (but it is unclear on the amount of data, we have requested a comment from Mail.Ru Group on this occasion, we are waiting for an answer).

At the moment, although the service has been launched, it is still at the stage of closed testing.

The application for participation in the test can be sent here.

Source: Mail.Ru Group

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