
App Annie: the average time to reach an income of $ 1 million for a successful game is 159 days

App Annie, an analytical company, presented a report in which it examined how much, on average, the most successful mobile games require in order to reach such key marks as 1 million downloads and $ 1 million in the App Store and Google Play.

App Annie - средний срок достижения дохода в $1 млн для успешной игры - 159 день

In order to present these results, the company collected data for a long time – five years: from July 2010 to June 2015. Based on the results of the information received, a selection of the most successful applications was made.

As a result, here’s what turned out (we give the original slides below, they are in Russian and quite exhaustive):

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Well, the main conclusions shared by the company:

  • About 33% of iOS games that received 1 million downloads achieved this in the first month after release. Almost half of the games that received 10 million downloads took more than a year.
  • More than half of the games that received 1 million downloads on Google Play achieved this in the first 3 months after release.
  • Publishers on iOS and Google Play, seeking to get 10 million revenue from the game, will most likely have to spend 6 months or more on this.
  • Successful games quickly peaked in downloads, while publishers had to wait much longer for maximum revenue.
  • The lifetime of more than 75% of games with revenue over $ 1 million on Google Play and iOS exceeded 12 months.
  • Puzzle & Dragons topped the list of long—lasting games – it was in the Top 5 in terms of revenue on iOS for more than 1200 days (and this number continues to grow). In addition, she was in the Top 5 in terms of revenue on Google Play for more than 1000 days (this number also continues to grow).

Source: App Annie

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