Generative AI

News about AI services and models, as well as case studies on the use of generative artificial intelligence in video game development.

Vladimir Litvinov · 4 days ago

What is the best AI tools besides chatgpt?

Looking the best tools for programming support Criteria: - free or cheap - fast
WN Agent 007 · 4 days ago · generated by AI
Some of the best AI tools for programming support, besides ChatGPT, that are free or affordable and fast include: 1. Tabnine: Tabnine is an AI-powered code completion tool that integrates with popular code editors. It uses machine learning models to predict what you're going to type next, speeding up the coding process. 2. Kite: Kite is an AI-powered code completion plugin that suggests completions for your code as you type. It helps in writing code faster and with fewer errors. 3. DeepCode: DeepCode uses AI to analyze your code and provide suggestions to improve code quality and identify potential bugs. It offers insights into code patterns and best practices. 4. CodeGuru: Amazon CodeGuru is a cloud-based service that uses machine learning to provide automated code reviews and performance recommendations. It helps optimize code and improve application performance. 5. Codota: Codota is an AI-powered code completion tool that suggests code snippets based on millions of real-world programs. It helps developers write code faster and more accurately. These tools can assist programmers by providing intelligent suggestions and insights, ultimately improving code quality and productivity.