
The Yandex advertising SDK has added the ability to display dozens of ads in one block

In early April, Yandex released the seventh version of the Mobile Ads SDK. Among other things, the SDK has a new advertising format — the feed.

Several dozen ads can be placed in the feed at the same time. They are displayed in turn when scrolling the application. So far, the feature only works in beta mode and only on Android.

Yandex Mobile Ads SDK 7 has also acquired AdPod support for full—screen advertising formats - rewarded ads and interstitial ads. Now you can display several ads in a row in one advertising space, and these can be both video clips and static ads.

What else has appeared in the Yandex Mobile Ads SDK 7:

  • EndCard support. At the end of the promotional videos, an interactive packshot screen is automatically generated based on the content from the advertisement;
  • the ability to download an iOS app immediately from an ad, just by clicking on the ad and not going to the App Store;
  • a set of Debug Panel tools that you can use to check whether the SDK is correctly integrated and how up-to-date information about personal data protection is.

You can read more about the changes here.

A source:

Yandex Mobile Ads SDK Changelog
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