Patty Toledo, YAHAHA - Community Power — How UGC will Influence the Future of Game Development

7 февраля, 2022
Patty Toledo
Director of Developer Relations

Patty Toledo, Director of Developer Relations, YAHAHA - Community Power — How UGC will Influence the Future of Game Development

Community is essential to the games industry. An audience that is active, follows, engages, and creates is incredibly powerful. These champions are passionate about a game, and are key to its success. Being part of a gaming community creates a sense of belonging, and user generated content (UGC) presents a unique opportunity for studios and developers to take the power of its community even further. Connections are made, communities are built, all thanks to UGC.

Patty Toledo, Director of Developer Relations at YAHAHA, discusses how UGC is changing the gaming industry, from user acquisition to marketing. The future is becoming a reality and all game developers need to stay on top of the UGC trend before it's too late.

The WN Berlin`21 — February 7-8, 2022

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